Not many people know that about 80% of electric motors are remanufactured due to premature bearing failure. Some failures are due to real bearing steel fatigue. Meaning the bearing is overused, but the most common cause of failure is improper machine and bearing maintenance. When properly installed, used and maintained, the life of motor bearings can easily be extended by more than 10 years. Check out the maintenance tips below for trouble-free bearing life.
working environment
A suitable operating environment for bearings includes low humidity, no contamination and no fluctuations in temperature minus vibration.
This environment will promote a perfectly balanced approach that keeps the bearing working and lasting a long time. In addition to this, regular lubrication can avoid all kinds of friction and wear. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a good bearing operating environment.
moisture management
While controlling moisture is sometimes quite impossible, efforts must be made to control it as much as possible. The whole deal is about managing the condensation that tends to happen when the motor is turned off.
One way to avoid this condensation is to use grease with a rust inhibitor inside the bearing assembly. Yet another option is to spin the shaft of the idle motor every time condensation is expected.